Common Questions
Q: How to know if it's a report ban?
A: Contact Epic Games via live chat asking why you got banned. Most of the time, they will say you were temporarily banned for breaking rules, etc. This means you were reported, which indicates it's a report ban.
Q: Will this ban expire and get removed?
A: Yes, this (24-48 hour ban) will be removed, and you will be fully unbanned. Even if you received an HWID ban and there are traces of it, all traces, bans, etc., will be removed when the ban expires. NOTE: However, please refrain from raging as there is always a chance of an Epic Games developer manually banning you, which will result in a permanent ban for your account, as well as bans for your IP and HWID.
Few Tips To Avoid Manual/Report Bans
If someone is spectating you, avoid using aimbot. If they notice your exceptional aim, they may report you, increasing the risk of getting banned.
Don't rely solely on your aim; try to have good mechanics that make you look like a pro player. This will make your aim appear more natural.