Common Errors & Fixes
How to fix common Errors
Last updated
How to fix common Errors
Last updated
Common Errors & Fixes
"Driver Not Loaded" When Trying To Use The Client
Drivers aren't loaded
You need to headover to your USB and make sure it is formatted to FAT32 and make sure the EFI files are inside your USB, and Boot into BIOS and put USB as first to boot!
"Failed To Initialize Overlay" Error.
Medal isn't running in the background/Medal isn't running as Admin
To fix this run medal as admin (If it's already running), Go to Task Manager --> Close Medal, And Re-Run Medal As Admin.
"ESP" Lagging
Medal Settings Aren't All Disabled/Another Overlay is running that is not Medal
Enable/Disable all medal settings said in the Embed above, and Disable the external overlay.